Float Therapy

Imagine floating without any effort, free from gravity,
experiencing a completely relaxed state of being.

You are free of any stress, tension, or pain.
You are free distractions – as if time stands still.

Tips for First Time Floaters

Shower prior to floating in order to remove hairspray, gels, and body oils.

After you shower, be sure to dry your face and eyes so that water does not
drip down your face, which can cause an itch while in the tank.

Be careful not to pick your hands or arms out of the water.

Try to keep them water level or you might accidentally drip water in your eyes.

Try to calm your mind. Mindful breathing can help … inhale, exhale. Repeat.

More Benefits of Gravity Reduction 

Pain relief
Boosts inspiration
Helps to lessen insomnia
Reduces stress and anxiety
Strengthens the immune system
Enhances athletic performance
Decreases recovery time from some injuries.

Sensory Deprivation

Currently we house two Samadhi sensory deprivation tanks. Both tanks are designed to provide the user with an exceptional float experience. Floatation therapy offers a unique and relaxing experience that emulates floating in space. Scientific research has substantiated the positive effects associated with the deep relaxation state achieved through a float session, helping to relieve stress and pain.

Floatation therapy eliminates outside stimuli by removing senses that gauge light,sound,touch and temperature changes. This allows the introduction of a perfect ratio of water and magnesium sulfate to create a sense of zero gravity. Additionally, one hour of floating in the tank is said to be equal to 4 hours of sleep. Lack of sleep can negatively impact the brain and is directly linked to leading health issues and concerns such as depression, heart disease, and cancer.

Our floatation tank consists of 150 gallons of water and 1000 pounds of medical grade Epsom salt. Water temperature is kept  at 93°F (natural skin temperature).

Our tanks are equipped with state of the art NSF certified micron filtration, ozonator, and UV filtration. We keep regular lab results of our water to insure 0 bacteria is ever harbored.

Sacred Floats and Gems Co. is certified by The Florida Department of Health.


Floatation Tank Association   This is the history of the Floatation Tank Association based on available information.

The floatation tank , invented by Dr. John Lilly, and described by him in his book about the tank,”The Deep Self”:

“This place I found, invented, discovered, was led to, guided in such a way that I hunted for the first one of these places, or I needed such a place for my own research on myself, the Universe, the Divine, the New and Unexpected never before seen or programmed by any known persons… the Isolation Tank, Floatation Tank, the Solitude Tank, the Womb-to-Tomb Wet Box, the Place one can rent for Money to Seek Nothingness…the Isolation-Solitude-Confinement-Happiness-Freedom-Domain.

There were no commercial floatation tanks until Dr. Lilly mentored Glenn Perry  in tank building and use, and by 1972 there were a few early versions being tested in the USA. Tank development proceeded to the first plastic models in the familiar Samadhi Tank shape.

In 1978 John Turner and Tom Fine ordered one for their research at the Medical College of Ohio, (now part of the University of Toledo), In 1979, 5 were installed at the Samadhi Center in Beverly Hills.

In 1981, one of them was bought By Alma Daniel, a therapist in an extraordinarily attractive apartment in NYC. She said “My chosen work, since 1977, through the Human Potential Counseling Service has been to help people transform their lives. To become the best that they can be.” Alma was a floatation activist because she saw how versatile and effective floating was for her clients and she began building an organization that could support this emerging technology at the same time she was attending the conferences held by the scientific community.

At the March 1983 International Conference on Rest and Self Regulation co-sponsored by “The Behavioral Medicine Clinic, Dept. of Psychiatry, Medical College of Ohio; and Lawrence University, 15 out of 25 presentations were investigating floatation, plus “A special evening presentation with John C. Lilly and Jay T. Shurley”.  At that conference, the scientists were concerned that the culture of the scientific community did not support a joint organization of scientists and trades folk to avoid possible research bias. The scientists would start their own organization – IRIS -International REST Investigators Society, and Alma Daniel offered her organization for everyone else: Floatation Tank Assoc. became an official floatation supporter organization in Denver, Co., in 1983.

Alma Daniel, particularly talented at organizing had already pulled together an organizational infrastructure with a name, newsletter, a 4 member Board of Directors, an Advisory Board With John Lilly as Honorary Chairman, a large base of correspondence in the USA and Europe and a certificate of incorporation in the State of New York. The stated purpose was the safety and comfort of the floating public; the physical and psychological considerations.  Alma Daniel became the Executive Director of the “Floatation Tank Association”.
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